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ACYCP Lorraine E. Fox ACYCP CYC Dedication Award


The ACYCP CYC Dedication Award was established in 2023 by the Board of Directors to honor Lorraine E. Fox, Ph.D., for her lifetime of dedicated service to children, youth, families, and the child ad youth care profession.

Lorraine has been a direct service worker, a supervisor, a clinical director, an Executive Director, and Assistant Professor. Finding work that has never stopped being challenging, kids and families worth loving, and wonderful colleagues to work beside, both nationally and internationally she shared her work, love and life with a like-hearted soul-mate. She has trained and consulted across the United States and in Australia, Canada, Guam, England, Scotland and Czechoslovakia. In addition to extensive work with private service agencies, Lorraine was a contract instructor with the Human Services Department, University of California, Davis for thirty years. She was also a contract instructor with the San Diego State University Foundation, training public service employees serving welfare and child protective clients and their community partners. In addition, Lorraine enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the California Community Colleges Foster and Kinship Care Education Programs. She was awarded the Outstanding Service Award for Excellence in Teaching by the UC-Davis. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, she writes a monthly Parenting column for her church news=letter and co-authored an internationally recognized training curriculum. Lorraine has appeared on radio and television in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, and has been a consulting editor for the Journal of Child and Youth Care.  She was also a staff columnist for the ACYCY quarterly CYC Advocate until 2023.

Nomination Process/Form

Click here to nominate someone

To learn more about Lorraine, go to: